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5 Habits to avoid when you first wake up

Mornings can be tough, but if you’re starting your day with bad habits, they can be even tougher. As a health expert, I can tell you this: how you begin your day can set the tone for the rest of it. Here are five things you should definitely stop doing within the first two hours after waking up.

1. Scrolling Through Your Phone First Thing

Scrolling Through Your Phone First Thing

I get it, the temptation is real. But reaching for your phone the second you open your eyes can zap your energy and fill your brain with unnecessary stress. You don’t need to start your day with emails, social media notifications, or news updates. Give yourself some mental space to wake up properly before diving into the digital world.

Tip: Try replacing that morning scroll with a short walk, some stretching, or even a quick meditation. Trust me, your mind will thank you later.

2. Skipping Water

Skipping Water

You’ve just gone several hours without drinking anything, so your body is thirsty! Chugging coffee right away (guilty!) is not the best move, either. It’s important to hydrate first thing in the morning to kickstart your digestion and metabolism.

Tip: Keep a glass of water on your bedside table or grab a bottle before you start the day.

3. Checking Work Emails Too Early

Checking Work Emails Too Early

Let’s be real, checking work emails right after you wake up can send your stress levels through the roof. Give yourself a chance to ease into the day before diving into work mode. Your inbox will still be there in an hour.

Tip: Set a designated time to check emails, and until then, focus on waking up and getting yourself in a positive mindset.

4. Eating a Sugary Breakfast

Eating a Sugary Breakfast

Sure, that pastry looks tempting, but loading up on sugar first thing in the morning is a surefire way to crash hard later on. A sugar spike might give you a quick energy boost, but it’s followed by a major slump that leaves you feeling sluggish.

Tip: Opt for something high in protein and fiber, like eggs, oatmeal, or a smoothie. Your body and energy levels will thank you!

5. Staying in Bed Too Long

Staying in Bed Too Long

We all love hitting snooze, but those extra 10 minutes aren’t doing you any favors. Lying around too long can leave you feeling more tired and groggy, making it even harder to get going. Once you’re awake, it’s best to get up and move.

Tip: If you really need that extra time, set your alarm earlier instead of hitting snooze. That way, you can wake up slowly without feeling rushed. These small changes can help you feel more energized, focused, and ready to take on the day. So tomorrow morning, ditch the phone, hydrate, eat smart, and start your day on the right foot

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